not-speak_k0720472.jpgI’ve been reading a bit about blogging lately. First I read The Huffington Post book about how they got started. Well, I read about 2/3 of it, but after a while I was kind of over it. Plus it was due at the library. It did accomplish one thing though (which was probably its main goal for existing), I now check in on The Huffington Post most days.

What I’ve realized is that while I rarely just slam down a post and put it up, I do edit them, blog posts are an excellent opportunity to really hone tight writing (something I’m not that good at without a lot of extra effort). So, here’s my new goal. I am going to write my posts in Word from now on first, and then cut them by at least 20% before I post.

Today, and today only, you get both versions:

I’ve been reading about blogging. I read about 2/3 of The Huffington Post book about how they got started and then returned it to the library because I was over it. It did accomplish one thing though (which was probably its main goal), I now visit The Huffington Post most days.

I’ve realized that while I rarely slam down some writing and put it up on my site, blog posts are an excellent opportunity to really tighten my writing (something I’m not that good at). Here’s my new goal. I am going to write my posts and then cut them by at least 20% before I put them on my blog.

Haha! More than 20% and it reads better too.