skyline-vs-issaquah-4.jpg When I used to fancy myself an actress, I would find myself having to do the occasional audition piece – a one minute monologue. I got tired of digging up new pieces, so one day, I wrote my own. Looking back on it, it’s not great writing, but it actually performed pretty well. Sometimes writing is like that. You add the actor to it and it’s like adding the wet ingredients to the dry, suddenly you have cake. It actually got me some call-backs and was a pretty successful piece. One thing that always amuses me is that for some reason, if you write the audition piece yourself, you’re not supposed to admit it. I guess the idea is that if it really sucks then the auditors will be doubly embarrassed for you. So whenever I performed this piece, I always made up a name for “the play” it was from and a playwright!

Anyway, since today is Opening Day for baseball, I thought I’d share it with you. It’s all true. And it makes me smile.