SO SUPER STYLISH is a sequel to SO SUPER STARRY, which I wrote about here roughly a month or two ago. While I liked the first one fine, I thought it was kinda fluffy, chick-litty sort of stuff. Also, the nemisis reminded me a bit too much of the Honey character in the Calypso Chronicles series, but it’s British and they wander around London and I love London, tea, and all that stuff, so I had fun reading it.

The sequel is a much better book all around though. It’s got a lot more depth and a lot more character development and the nemisis (same one) is much smarter and ambitious than Honey, so she didn’t really remind me of her at all. It’s a very funny and I wouldn’t mind reading another one about Octavia or some other writing by this author. It was fun. Very girlie. You’re teen boy’s not going to get past the first sentence.