I am a big fat 0 for 3 this week in the reading department. Yep. I started with an American YA…lost my interest long before page 70 when I finally just couldn’t be bothered anymore. Then I picked up a British YA. Blah, blah, blah…not a very likeable character, same old same old problem…got to page 30. Last night I tried a Canadian YA. Confusing, dark, depressing…and the main character is 22. That’s kinda weird for a YA, but not weird enough to make me not want to read it. In fact, I kept going as long as I did just in case it was going to get interesting…oh, well. Maybe I’ll read a Betsy-Tacy book.

This all got me thinking about other books I didn’t like. Usually, I don’t mention the titles here, but I’ll say out loud that I think the British Dates, Mates, and [whatever the third part is] is just lame. I can say that without hurting the author’s feelings because A) I highly doubt the author is reading my blog and B) she’s sold about a bazillion copies of this ongoing series, so my not liking it really doesn’t matter much. Anyway, one interesting thing happened in regards to those books though. In the first one (the only one I read), the character makes note that every time her dad wants a cup of tea he says, “Time for a cup of tea!” like it’s some big proclamation or important event. Well, we drink a lot of tea around here and I told my husband that (two years ago when I read it), and to this day, you will hear us boldly calling out several times a day, “TIME FOR A CUP OF TEA!”

What catch phrases have stuck with you from books you’ve read?