light-bulb.jpgSo yesterday I was telling my friend Eileen that maybe I wasn’t writing much this year because I was losing interest. I said it all casual-like, but in a way, it sort of scared me. Because you know, losing interest right now is not exactly a good thing since I have worked so hard for so many years, I have a wonderful agent, and my first book out on submission.

But then today, one day later, I woke up excited to write! And I had a great writing day and did some good work. So the questions that nagged me all day were: If I’m not losing interest in writing, why have I written less this year than ever before? Why have I taken more time off than I’ve actually worked? Why have whole months gone by without writing anything much at all?

And then, tonight, I was emailing another friend and I was talking about it and I wrote the following: I guess I need to cut myself a little slack because we did move to a new country and it took me a year to get used to the South when I moved there from the west coast, so I guess I should give myself a year here too!

It was like the light bulb literally turned on over my head. Ummm…yeah, I did finish painting and decorating my office last October, and I was unpacked by November, but I MOVED TO A NEW COUNTRY! Not just a new town, but a NEW COUNTRY. There is a lot to learn in a new country! There are new people to meet. New habits, new foods, new procedures. Heck, we’re still trying to get our car insurance straightened out, not to mention our taxes that I did wrong (in my favour luckily). Oh, and then there are the words like favour, colour, neighbour, and cheque. No wonder I haven’t written very much this year! I don’t even know what spellings to use anymore.

Whew! You have no idea what a relief this realization is to me. At the end of the month we will be here for one year. I’m sure I’ll be writing up a storm after that! Unless, of course, new countries take two years to get used to! Just kidding, just kidding!